Notion onAny Tab
Tired of switching tabs? is Fastest way to save ideas from web into your Notion
Chrome Extension Demo
Frequently asked questions
Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
How do I install the TurboNotioŋ Chrome extension?
Installing TurboNotioŋ is quick and simple. Visit the Chrome Web Store, search for "TurboNotioŋ" and click on "Add to Chrome." Once installed, you'll find the extension icon in your browser toolbar. Click the icon to start capturing notes instantly!
Is my data secure while using TurboNotioŋ?
Absolutely. We take your privacy seriously. TurboNotioŋ operates locally on your device and does not store any of your data on our servers. Your notes are stored securely on your computer, ensuring your information remains private and confidential.
What happens if I accidentally close the note pane?
Don't worry, your notes are safe! If you accidentally close the note pane, simply click on the TurboNotioŋ icon in the browser toolbar to reopen it. Your unsaved changes are automatically saved, ensuring you never lose your valuable thoughts and ideas.
Does TurboNotioŋ sync notes between different browser tabs?
Yes, TurboNotioŋ seamlessly syncs your notes across different browser tabs. Regardless of how many tabs you have open, your notes remain consistent and up-to-date.
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